Property:Stem growth form
Property "Stem growth form" and the assigned parent property "Growth form" have different type annotations.
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: stem
- Character: growth_form
- A growth form property
- A Top Level Property
Types of stem growth form
Parts of stem growth form
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
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procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
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procumbent +
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procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
caespitose +
caespitose +
twining +
climbing +
climbing +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
repent +
repent +
climbing +
bushy +
bushy +
climbing +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
bushy +
bushy +
colonial +
suckering +
suckering +
suckering +
colonial +
colonial +
colonial +
scandent +
scandent +
twining +
twining +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
climbing +
climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
scandent +
scandent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
matted +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
not cespitose +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
twining +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
climbing +
climbing +
not climbing +
climbing +
not climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
scandent +
climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
repent +
repent +
procumbent +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
procumbent +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
twining +
scandent +
scandent +
bushy +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
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scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
climbing +
climbing +
viny +
not viny +
climbing +
not viny +
not viny +
viny +
viny +
not viny +
not viny +
climbing +
viny +
not viny +
climbing +
viny +
not climbing +
viny +
not viny +
climbing +
climbing +
viny +
viny +
viny +
climbing +
climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
scandent +
scandent +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
cespitose +
procumbent +
procumbent +
mat-forming +
mound-forming +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
not dimorphic +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
mat-forming +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
scandent +
climbing +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
climbing +
climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
twining +
twining +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
matted +
scandent +
scandent +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
scandent +
scandent +
cespitose +
cespitose +
repent +
repent +
repent +
repent +
repent +
repent +
repent +
repent +
mat-forming +
matted +
not matted +
not matted +
not matted +
not matted +
cespitose +
matted +
matted +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
procumbent +
scandent +
matted +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
matted +
scandent +
scandent +
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scandent +
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matted +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
matted +
matted +
matted +
procumbent +
scandent +
procumbent +
runnerlike +
climbing +
scandent +
scandent +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
not mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
scraggly +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
not mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
not mat-forming +
not mat-forming +
not mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
not mat-forming +
scandent +
scandent +
climbing +
scandent +
climbing +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
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dimorphic +
dimorphic +
procumbent +
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cespitose +
scandent +
mat-forming +
procumbent +
repent +
repent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
scandent +
procumbent +
scandent +
bush +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
vinelike +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
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mat-forming +
procumbent +
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scandent +
scandent +
bushy +
bushy +
procumbent +
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climbing +
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scandent +
procumbent +
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scandent +
scandent +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
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dimorphic +
procumbent +
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dimorphic +
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procumbent +
procumbent +
clonal +
not matted +
not matted +
not matted +
not matted +
not matted +
suffrutescent +
bushy +
subscandent +
subscandent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
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procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
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mat-forming +
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climbing +
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climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
matted +
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mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
cespitose +
procumbent +
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suffrutescent +
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scandent +
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straggly +
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scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
climbing +
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climbing +
climbing +
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twining +
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climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
scandent +
procumbent +
scandent +
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scandent +
scandent +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
matted +
procumbent +
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procumbent +
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scandent +
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climbing +
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suffrutescent +
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matted +
suffrutescent +
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suffrutescent +
scandent +
scandent +
repent +
repent +
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repent +
procumbent +
dimorphic +
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scandent +
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scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
not twining +
not twining +
not twining +
procumbent +
procumbent +
self-supporting +
self-supporting +
self-supporting +
self-supporting +
not self-supporting +
self-supporting +
not self-supporting +
not self-supporting +
not self-supporting +
not self-supporting +
not self-supporting +
not self-supporting +
self-supporting +
not self-supporting +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
repent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
cespitose +
high-climbing +
procumbent +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
procumbent +
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clonal +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
procumbent +
matted +
climbing +
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climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
scandent +
scandent +
scandent +
vinelike +
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vinelike +
vinelike +
vinelike +
scandent +
scandent +
suffrutescent +
suffrutescent +
suffrutescent +
suffrutescent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
matted +
matted +
matted +
matted +
matted +
matted +
procumbent +
procumbent +
cespitose +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
dimorphic +
suffrutescent +
suffrutescent +
suffrutescent +
twining +
twining +
mat-forming +
mat-forming +
procumbent +
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scandent +
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climbing +
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climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
climbing +
not climbing +
not climbing +
not climbing +
not climbing +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
short-procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +
procumbent +